If you wish to appeal a parking Charge Notice (CN) please email or write to Appeals Department, Ace Security Services, PO Box 365, Tadworth KT20 9EN.
Unless there are extenuating circumstances we can only accept an appeal against a CN from the driver responsible for parking the vehicle at the location prior to the charge notice being issued. In your appeal please include;
The Charge Notice number
Your vehicle registration
Your full name
Your full personal address
A statement that you were the driver who parked the vehicle prior to the Charge Notices issue.
If you fail to include all of the above your appeal will be disregarded for failing to comply with our appeals procedure.

If you wish to dispute liability for a Charge Notice, the appeal must be made within 28 days and we will endeavour to reply within a further 28 days of receiving the appeal. If you do not receive a response within this time, please contact us; do not assume that your appeal has been successful.
Once your appeal is accepted, 'the clock stops', and the CN will go on hold. If you have appealed within 14 days of the CN being issued, and the appeal is denied, you will still have the opportunity to pay the reduced amount within a specified time period. At this point you will also be provided with the details necessary to lodge an appeal to the Independent Appeals Service within 28 days of your appeal being rejected. Details of their appeals procedure can be found at
If you wish to challenge the validity of this charge you must use the appeals procedure detailed above. Other issues can be dealt with under the complaint’s procedure. If you wish to lodge a complaint it must be through us in the first instance and must be in writing using the same contact addresses as for an appeal. The title should be “Complaint” and you must supply as much detail as possible, including any supporting evidence. We will acknowledge your complaint on receipt and a full response will be sent within 14 working days unless it is a complex matter in which case you will be informed. If you are not satisfied with our response, then you may refer your complaint to the IPC. Further details can be found at For more info please visit Complaints
Ace Security Services